Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

EWOT is a simple and effective therapy that lasts 15-30 minutes. While riding a stationary bike, you wears a mask and breathe in concentrated oxygen. This allows you to receive a constant supply of 90-95% pure oxygen, about 4x as much oxygen as normal air. This will trigger an anti-inflammatory response within 2 minutes and the effects can last up to 1 year. There are many factors that contribute to oxygen loss in the body such as internal and external pollutants, mental strain, physical strain, disease and or trauma. In addition, as we age, our bodies become less effective at delivering oxygen to our cells, increasing the chances of degeneration and disease.

We need oxygen to survive; it helps our body to decrease stress and trauma. When under stress, our bodies burn up the oxygen in our cells much faster than normal. When we’re lacking oxygen, cells begin to die and the brain can’t function as well. The brain requires more oxygen than any other organ…about 25% of all oxygen you breathe in goes to your brain. By breathing concentrated oxygen for short periods of time, we boost the efficiency and strength in rebuilding brain nerve impulses thus a better functioning nervous system. By breathing concentrated oxygen while exercising, you can get an immediate increase in strength, endurance and energy by increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, plasma and tissues.

EWOT has been used successfully for a number of conditions including:

  • Cardiac condition such as heart failure, cardiomegaly and high blood pressure
  • Cancer
  • Brain injuries
  • Emphysema
  • Stress reduction
  • Wellness and anti-aging

The benefits of EWOT are:

  • Increased oxygenation of the tissues and cells.
  • Faster recovery from stress-related illnesses.
  • Stimulation of the immune system.
  • Prevention of age related diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, non-healing wounds, etc.
  • Increased metabolism for weight loss.
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Increases the diameter of the blood vessels (capillaries) that provide oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells